Catholic Churches I’ve Visited in Asia

Some Catholics believe that it is imperative to make a wish when visiting a church for the first time. And so I built this tradition of going to a Catholic Church whenever I travel. Besides making wishes, it is also nice to see how similar and how different, these structures look. They are all Catholic,Continue reading “Catholic Churches I’ve Visited in Asia”

What you need when you travel solo to Shanghai (…or anywhere in the world)

So for my first solo travel to Shanghai this spring, I was so anxious. This was not my first solo trip but China is different from the other countries I have visited. For people who love and rely on Google and other social media apps to survive their day to day life, a trip toContinue reading “What you need when you travel solo to Shanghai (…or anywhere in the world)”

The Majestic City of Ayutthaya

I visited Bangkok, Thailand back in October 2017. It was my first time in the country and I was alone, itching to see what the city has to offer. I was feeling a bit more adventurous by the end of the week so I decided to travel and see the highly recommended city of Ayutthaya.Continue reading “The Majestic City of Ayutthaya”

Hanoi Foodventure!

I went to Hanoi in July 2019 for some downtime. I have heard a lot of great things about Vietnamese Food and I was looking forward to trying it. Before my trip, I watched a lot of vlogs from Mark Wiens to Strictly Dumpling and they all said the same thing – Vietnamese food isContinue reading “Hanoi Foodventure!”

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